If you are completely new to the world of purchasing auto insurance, then you are probably thinking that some tips on how to best choose an auto policy will help you immensely. Listed below are some tips to get you started with the best approaches to getting a good auto policy.

Saving money on auto insurance does not have to be a difficult thing, especially if you are loyal to the same company. Most policies are only for a term of around a year, so make sure you re-up with the same company. If you show loyalty to the insurer, you will be rewarded with lower monthly premium payments.

One great and underrated way to save on your monthly auto insurance premiums is to join an automobile club. Especially if you are driving a classic or rare vehicle, joining an auto club will allow you to join with a group discounted rate, ultimately saving you hundreds of dollars annually on your insurance premiums.

Do not try to claim your car is worth more than it really is. It’s tempting to think that in case of an accident you might end up with a check larger enough to go out and buy that luxury car you’ve always wanted. It doesn’t work though because insurance companies only pay the fair market worth of your car, not what you claimed it was worth.

Before purchasing auto insurance, check your driving record. If you do not know what is on your driving record, you can always speak with your local Department of Motor Vehicles. If you see that certain tickets or points are about to come off your record, wait until then to purchase auto insurance. This will make your premiums cheaper.

When you’ve narrowed down to a couple of cars that you want to buy, make sure to compare insurance rates and premiums for each car. Car insurance can vary based on things like price of the car, likelihood of theft, repair costs, and safety record. You might find that one car has a lower rate than others.

When it is possible to do so, try not drive your car. In many states, the premium amount is based on how many miles you drive each year. If you do end up driving less, make sure to call and let the insurance know so that they can lower our premium rate.

Insurance companies base their rates on their past experiences with their customers. If you hear something about a general trend regarding one type of vehicle, this might not reflect how all insurance companies view that particular vehicle. You should request quotes from several companies and compare them: you might notice a rather big difference.

As you can see from the above list of tips, purchasing auto insurance is very important for protecting your vehicle. After following these tips, you will no longer be new to purchasing auto insurance, but you will become able to make decisions in regards to getting a policy with better coverage for your vehicle.